Software Supply Chain Security

Secure all components in your application delivery pipeline
Find and fix vulnerabilities in third-party and open source software faster than ever and manage the security posture of your software development ecosystem. 

Learn more about DevSecOps Orchestration.

Why Software Supply Chain Security?

The software supply chain has rapidly become a top attack vector. However, many organizations struggle to efficiently patch vulnerable open source dependencies and third-party software and prevent attacks targeting the software development ecosystem. Security and development teams face:

Unlocking the Benefits of Software Supply Chain Security

The ArmorCode ASPM Platform helps you ensure the integrity of your software development ecosystem and focus on fixing software supply chain vulnerabilities rather than finding them:
Unify visibility into your CI/CD posture and components from all of your SBOMs
Prioritize newly and previously disclosed supply chain vulnerabilities based on their impact in your environment
Automate finding the answer to the question “are we affected?” for every new vulnerability advisory for open source and third party components

3 Mandatory Steps to Mature your AppSec Program Today

Software Supply Chain Security that lets you focus on fixing rather than finding

The ArmorCode ASPM Platform offers unified SBOM management and CI/CD Posture Management. With ArmorCode, organizations realize:
See all impacted components and gaps in supply chain coverage
Respond to top attack vectors and zero-days faster. Know if you’re vulnerable without running a scan or sifting through vulnerability advisories
Rapidly triage new software supply chain vulnerabilities to reduce MTTR
ArmorCode's intelligent application security platform gives us unified visibility into AppSec postures and automates complex DevSecOps workflows. As a result, we are able to save significant time and effort. Additionally, the focus on growing the platform to meet our needs is a critical driver for us.
Aaron Peck
CISO, Shutterfly
ArmorCode has reduced our time to integrate with new tools and teams across the company in half. We’re now able to focus more on application security and risk mitigation than on managing our tools.
DevSecOps Lead
Fortune 50 media company
The [ArmorCode] ASPM solution has been a game changer for me! It's helped centralise data from several security sources and in turn helped to define actionable metrics, create consistent workflows in engineering, manage risk profiles and automate much of the work involved when it comes to handling security tooling data.
Kane Cutler
Head of AppSec, The Access Group
I had my “aha” moment today. Once I realized I hadn’t known how many applications & microservices were running in our environment, or how many were either not running or activated, I knew ArmorCode was going to help us transform how we executed our application security program.
Upendra Mardikar
CISO, Snap Finance
ArmorCode is becoming the conductor of our company’s product security symphony of scanning tools. Together with ArmorCode, we have the makings of a powerful security orchestra.
Senior Director, Product Security
Fortune 100 industrial controls company

Seeing is believing.
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