Episode 74

Leveraging AI in an ASPM Platform

AI is reshaping software security, and we set a goal of driving and refining the leading edge of this transformation. In this episode, Mark takes us through some of the intricacies of AI-driven solutions as they start to appear in Application Security Posture Management platforms.

3 things to keep in mind as you explore solutions like these: Volume, Variety, and Validation. These form the critical foundation for a properly-trained, effective AI functionality that spares you headaches without introducing new ones. Having now processed over 10 billion Findings for our customers, by supporting 250+ security and dev tool integrations, and with the validation of thousands of security experts; we can confidently say our platform's AI-powered capabilities are up to snuff... Which is why we're beyond excited to unveil our AI Remediation feature at Black Hat this week. Tune in for more.

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