Introducing ArmorCode Risk Prioritization

Today we are proud to announce ArmorCode Risk Prioritization, providing the industry’s first 3D scoring approach for managing application security risks. ArmorCode combines the three dimensions of technical severity ratings, unique business context, and insight on whether a threat is being actively exploited to help organizations prioritize and remediate their highest-risk findings.
Organizations spend too much time and resources to secure too little. They are failing to prioritize an overwhelming number of security alerts from different tools with different severities across their environments. Common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) grew by 500 percent in the last decade, making it increasingly difficult to manage the risks that matter to each company. ArmorCode Risk Prioritization solves this need by helping users identify their highest-risk findings faster, remediate these issues more efficiently, reduce and avoid security costs, and improve their overall security posture.
“We’re proud to lead this new approach to risk reduction,” says Mark Lambert, Chief Product Officer. “With ArmorCode Risk Prioritization, organizations are taking a major step forward to significantly improve their security and developer team experience by fixing the highest-risk findings first. We’re upgrading outdated severity-based remediation, so security and development teams can jointly focus on what matters most and organizations can securely release software faster.”
ArmorCode Risk Prioritization, part of the ArmorCode ASPM Platform, ingests findings across security tools, normalizes finding severity, and assesses the potential business impact of affected assets to produce a single Adaptive Risk Score applicable across the entire ecosystem. Key benefits of this approach include:
- Visibility: Provides unified visibility into security findings with business context to understand security posture at different hierarchical levels and the cumulative impact of a potential attack on the organization.
- Prioritization: Normalizes finding severity to assess the impact of affected assets and gain a single risk score to quickly prioritize issues for security, development, and leadership teams.
- Remediation: Helps quickly triage findings and focus remediation efforts on findings that impact security posture most. ArmorCode can also trigger automated remediation workflows based on risk scores to increase security team productivity.
- Monitoring: Improves the ability to manage, measure, and mature security programs with reporting and governance for risk-based remediation SLAs.