Streamline Penetration Testing Management and Remediate Faster with ArmorCode

Rohan Parakh
September 23, 2024
Streamline Penetration Testing Management and Remediate Faster with ArmorCode

Penetration testing is critical and often mandatory for application security, vulnerability management, and compliance. However, most organizations struggle to manage penetration tests effectively and integrate findings into a broader security program. Skilled testers often spend more time reporting than testing, and security teams struggle to triage, remediate, and report on risks identified by penetration tests. ArmorCode changes this.

ArmorCode’s Penetration Testing Management Module reduces the time, effort, and cost of managing penetration test activities and remediating identified risks. The solution combines a purpose-built user interface with AI-powered ingestion of historical and third-party reports to optimize penetration testing management, collaboration, and reporting. This further expands ArmorCode’s AI-powered ASPM Platform’s capabilities to shorten the lifecycle of high-risk vulnerabilities identified by penetration tests and other manual security assessments. 

Penetration Testing Management: Too much time reporting. Too little time testing and reducing risk.

Inefficiencies in penetration testing management are pervasive. Research into organizations’ penetration testing performance found that 60% struggle to conduct penetration tests at the pace of development and 66% find penetration test findings difficult to operationalize into security processes. These obstacles mean it takes more time and people to conduct tests and manage risks. Detection takes longer. Remediation is slower. And vulnerability lifecycles extend increasing exposure windows and risk. 

Reporting is one of the biggest bottlenecks in the penetration testing process. Penetration testers often spend more time reporting than they do conducting tests. According to design partners and early adopters of ArmorCode’s Penetration Testing Management Module, testers can spend up to 60% of their time documenting findings and creating reports. Once tests are complete, the next obstacle is integrating findings into security programs to prioritize and remediate risks. It is often hard to connect findings with owners and translate reports into tickets and remediation actions, especially when pentest findings are separate from findings and data from other security tools. 

Introducing ArmorCode’s Penetration Testing Management Module

ArmorCode’s Penetration Testing Management Module flips the script on these challenges, empowering users to spend less time documenting and more time testing while streamlining risk-based management and remediation of findings. Features of the module include:

  • An intuitive penetration testing management user interface: Go from testing to drafting to publishing findings faster. Manage drafts and leverage fully customizable and out-of-the-box templates with a rich editor supporting markdown, images, and code snippets to create findings with more efficiency and consistency. 

  • AI-powered report ingestion: Add findings from PDFs, historic penetration test reports, and third-party assessments. ArmorCode leverages AI to create structured data out of unstructured reports and translate them into ArmorCode findings. These capabilities are opt-in and fully instantiated within customers’ ArmorCode instances to comply with AI policies and ensure data security.

  • Drag-and-drop report building with dynamic widgets: Create dynamic reports tailored to audiences with less effort. Users can start from fully customizable out-of-the-box templates and drag-and-drop elements to build reports featuring widgets that automatically update to reflect the real-time status of findings and security posture.

  • Seamless integration with all your code, cloud, and infrastructure security data: Unify penetration test, scanning, and threat intelligence data in ArmorCode’s ASPM Platform to correlate findings, prioritize based on risk, automate workflows, and streamline reporting with full visibility and context across the full security ecosystem.

  • Management of manual assessment projects: Scope, schedule, and manage manual testing projects with specialized roles and permissions to extend access to third-party testers, contractors, and other managed resources.

Reduce the time, effort, and cost of penetration test management and risk-based remediation

ArmorCode’s Penetration Testing Management Module delivers faster reporting, more efficient data management, and more effective risk reduction. Increasing testing capacity and remediation efficiency empowers teams to keep pace with development velocity and improve security outcomes with the following benefits:

Save time and test more: Conduct more tests, faster by streamlining test management and documentation. Users can view projects, manage drafts, create findings, and generate dynamic reports with fully customizable templates, a rich editor, and an intuitive, purpose-built user interface.

Unify data and remove bottlenecks: Manage and report on all your security data – across code, cloud, application, and infrastructure scanners as well as manual tests and assessments – in one platform and leverage AI to easily add findings from historic and third-party penetration test reports and PDFs.

Remediate faster and reduce risk: Minimize the lifecycle of high-risk, exploitable vulnerabilities identified through penetration tests and other manual assessments. ArmorCode’s Penetration Testing Management Module augments 250+ security tool integrations with a purpose-built solution that further extends the power of ArmorCode’s ASPM platform to unify visibility, prioritize risk, automate workflows, and optimize remediation efforts across findings from any source, through any workflow, all in one platform. 

“ArmorCode’s Penetration Testing Management Module adds another layer to the ArmorCode ecosystem that serves as the risk-based hub of our application security program,” said Gusti Benawi, Head of Application Security at Shutterfly. “We conduct penetration tests as part of our holistic secure development process This solution complements ArmorCode’s integrations with our scanners, build tools, and ticketing system and makes it easy to manage and report on all findings in one platform.” 

Schedule a personalized demo or take a self-guided product tour to learn more about ArmorCode’s Penetration Testing Management module.

Rohan Parakh
Rohan Parakh
Director of Product Management
September 23, 2024
Rohan Parakh
September 23, 2024
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